About Us ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to address the cross sectoral nature of major environmental challenges caused by climate change, and to fulfill the commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) & Kyoto Protocol, the Ministry of Environment, which is the National Focal Point for the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol has taken the initiative to establish a Climate Change Secretariat under it’s preview.
The Climate Change Secretariat, which is headed by the Director of the Climate Change Division, adopts a comprehensive national approach to address climate change challenges that as these concerns categorize as an environmental concern, which is also a development issue of Sri Lanka.
Vision: "An environment conscious nation and a prosperous Sri Lanka with a high level of resilience to global climate change"
"To lead the country to take comprehensive action to contribute towards local, regional and global efforts in combating climate change and to integrate unavoidable climate change scenarios into National Sustainable Development Plans"
Objectives of the Climate Change Secretariat
Provide a national platform to address climate change issues at the national level to incorporate them into the development process.
Function as the form of dedicated institutional mechanism to undertake climate change responses including development of relevant policies and programs.
Liaise with line agencies at national and sub-national levels for identifying priorities and developing mechanisms to implement national policies on climate change.
Facilitate climate change related research and distribution of research outcomes to trigger policy reforms and actions.
Liaise with the Secretariat to the UNFCCC and be responsible for preparing documentation in connection with Sri Lanka's participation at COP meetings and other climate change related forums.
Provide a one-stop facility to disseminate information relating to the implementation of the decisions taken at meetings of UNFCCC-COP, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
Serve as Designated Authority for different climate change related bodies.
Sri Lanka Carbon Fund (SLCF) Ltd
The SLCF was established on 09.04.2008 (Reg. no. PV63181) by a Cabinet decision as a company registered under the Companies Act No. 7 of 2007. This is a State owned private company-Government being the majority share holder with 51% of the equity. The balance share capital is to be raised from other sources including the private sector. Download Brochure [Page 1] [Page 2]
Objectives of SLCF as follows :
To provide technical and financial assistance to the CDM Project developers for the preparation of project documentations
To facilitate bundling of small CDM projects
To facilitate access to capital funding for CDM projects through commercial banks.
To provide investment capital for CDM projects
To engage in Carbon trading through purchasing and subsequent sale for Carbon credits
Thematic Areas :
The SLCF can assist in emission reduction in the sectors such as,
Renewable energy (Hydro, Wind, Solar, Bio mass power generation) Energy conservation Sustainable Transport Industries Management Municipal / Solid Waste Forestry
Opportunities for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a mechanism denied under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. It is expected that CDM will assist parties not included in Annex 1 in achieving sustainable development. CDM will assist Annex 1 parties in achieving compliance with their quantified emission limitations and reduction commitments under the Kyoto Protocol.
More Information, visit [www.climatechange.lk/DNA]